Time to focus on wellbeing
Carnegie UK’s purpose is better wellbeing for people in the UK and Ireland. We are an independent charitable foundation established with an endowment from Andrew Carnegie over 100 years ago.
The world around us is changing in ways that mean it is time to rethink how we help people to live well together.
At Carnegie UK we’re working on research and practice to expand what we know about wellbeing. And we’re making the case to decision-makers for action to improve the quality of people’s lives now and in the future.
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Our new research shows that well-designed democratic innovations can improve trust in democracy & decision-making.
By giving people a voice in decisions that affect their lives, we can strengthen democratic wellbeing.
Find out more: https://carnegieuktrust.org.uk/publications/engaging-democracy-programme-insight-summary/
At @CarnegieUKTrust today we have published the findings from our Engaging Democracy programme.
This was a fascinating bit of work, with multiple strands of activity.
#democracy #wellbeing #innovation #participation #deliberation #policy
We’re concerned about the low levels of trust in democracy in the UK.
Our latest research explores how participatory democracy, like citizens’ assemblies, can help restore trust by giving people a voice in decisions that affect their lives: https://carnegieuktrust.org.uk/publications/engaging-democracy-programme-insight-summary/
NEW REPORT: With trust in democracy at low levels across the UK, we’ve been exploring different forms of democratic innovations like citizens’ assemblies to find out if they could help.
Check out our findings in our animation below or download our report: https://carnegieuktrust.org.uk/publications/engaging-democracy-programme-insight-summary/